Before Joining

Before Joining we discuss all things, the career opportunities, difficulties, and their solutions, answerable for all queries, and provide valuable advice guidance to select career options like SEO, SMO, content writer, PPC expert, etc. according to students’ interests and want.

During Course

We provide the latest and genuine digital marketing course model, which include SEO training, SMO, PPC, Google analytics and Webmaster, video marketing, WordPress, blogger, and other various useful skill, and 95% practical session .

After Course

After completion, we happily help you in your freelance work, business website and promotion, help you to build your professional resume and also provide expertise and experience always until you crack your interview and so on.

Let’s Learn With Fun and then Earn Exponentially.

Why waste 3-4 years on Government job preparation? If you can earn more than that and start your career in just after 3 months of training

About Us

Take Your Dreams and Career on Next Level Called “Digital Marketing”.

Digital Polaris is a first time digital marketing institute in Chauras and Srinagar Garhwal region near H.N.B. Central University. That aim is to connect our city to the digital marketing world.

Whether you are a student, housewife, employee, or business man or entrepreneurs who wants to take his business to another level to increase sales, we welcome all kinds of people who are willing to learn different digital marketing skills. 

We provide latest digital marketing course with newly oriented modules and teach you various tricks to play with search engines and make everything simple at minimum academic fee that you can pay in instalments.

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